Shamanic Medicine

Shamanic teachings say that each of us have an energetic body, which has the information necessary for us to lead our life the way we were intended to.

When this field is disrupted by trauma or energy that doesn’t serve us, in time, the imprint grows and results in emotional pain, physical illness, and decreased quality of life. Shamanic healing helps to clear the original imprint at the energetic level, which then trickles down to the emotional, mental, and physical level.


Reiki is the universal life force energy available to everyone. I come from the Usui Reiki lineage and this modality found me during my 200 hours of yoga teacher training. My mentor at the time introduced me to it and it felt very natural and calming, so I continued to learn more about it. In time, I became a Reiki Master. My clients say that my Reiki sessions are both restorative and insightful.

Trauma and chronic illness don’t have to define your life!

You have a choice! Reclaim your power by reaching out.